900 CZK800 CZK
each donation
1 800 CZK1 600 CZK
each month
11 700 CZK10 400 CZK
each half-year
First-time donor registration
Is this the first time you’ll be donating with us? Please fill in the form.
900 CZK800 CZK
each donation
1 800 CZK1 600 CZK
each month
11 700 CZK10 400 CZK
each half-year
Here you’ll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
What is blood plasma?
Blood plasma is an important component of the blood. It is light yellow in color. There are 3–3.5 liters of blood plasma in the body of a healthy person, comprising roughly 5% of body weight. Plasma consists of three components, water (90%), organic substances (plasma proteins, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, glucose, etc.) and inorganic salts. In the human body, plasma sugar, lipids, hormones and metabolites are transferred and, to a lesser degree, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Who can become a plasma donor?
Blood plasma can be donated by healthy people between the ages of 18 and 65, weighing more than 50 kg. The donor must have health insurance issued in an EU country and have a valid identification document.
Who isn’t eligible to give plasma?
People with serious chronic diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, or any metabolic disease, cannot give plasma. Others ineligible to donate plasma are hemophiliacs and people with blood-clotting disorders, those who are oncologically ill, and those testing positive for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other diseases. Our medical staff always carries out a full assessment of the eligibility for donating during the initial examination. You should refrain from donating if you are not feeling well or if you’ve had a tattoo or piercing within the last six months.
How often can I donate?
It is possible to give plasma once every 14 days, up to a maximum of 26 times a year.
What do I need to bring to a donation appointment?
Don’t forget your identification document and a valid health insurance card.
Can I eat and drink before donating?
Certainly. The day before and the day of the donation, drink about two or three liters of liquid. At the same time, be sure to eat non-fatty food. It’s good to eat a piece of fruit just before denoting. Definitely do not come to give plasma hungry; you could feel unwell during and after the donation. For more information, see here.
What is done with the plasma after it is drawn?
The plasma is frozen and then processed in a pharmaceutical facility. Individual protein fractions are then isolated using various chemical procedures. These are then cleaned and concentrated to render the final medical product.
Is infection possible when giving plasma?
Absolutely not. Our facilities work exclusively with sterilized, single-use instruments. Blood and plasma flow only through enclosed sterile systems with no contact with the surroundings or with other blood or other biological material. Donor infection is simply inconceivable.
Why donate blood plasma?
Your plasma can help save the lives of others and to cure horrific diseases. It contains substances that are necessary for the preservation of immunity and for fighting the clotting of blood. It is used for the treatment of burns, liver and kidney diseases, blood clotting disorders and injuries as well as for other serious diseases. Blood plasma is irreplaceable for the production of vitally important medicines. With each donation you make, you give someone the hope of life. One day, you may need help yourself.